Low-Ohm Trimming Meter
Best suitable for trimming of ultra-low resistor
●Best suitable to Trimming ultra-low resistance for
shunt-resistor, etc.
●Auto. correcting function of trimming value.
●Measurement not to influenced by
thermoelectromotive force.
●Impressed the measuring current at pulse interval,
in order to reduce abrasion of measuring terminal.
●Contact-check is equipped as standard function.
●Measuring range: 0.000mΩ~1.5000kΩ
●Available to percentage measurement for the setup
basic value: 0.5mΩ~1kΩ/-99.99%+50.00%
[Resolution :50nΩ]
●GP-IB/RS-232C output available. (Option)
●Comparison result by built-in comparator is
open-collector output and displayed as LO,GO,HI by LED
and buzzer.

The Outline
AX-1154D have mode to be able to measure micro-low resistance from 0.000mΩ to 1500.0Ω at super-high speed sampling under the condition cancelled automatically thermoelectromotive force as well as drift, and they are equipped with the Auto.correcting function of trimming value. This is most suitable model for the trimming of shunt micro-low resistor, etc.
Both standard measuring mode and trimming measuring mode are available to select which method you like, the measurement to display milli-ohm (mΩ) of the actual measured value or the measurement of deviation value to display the deviation value between the measured resistance and the value set in advance by the reference resistance value.
It is suitable to measure the low resistance by 4-terminal measuring method, and also the correct measurement of low resistance was realized under condition cancelled the thermal eletro motive force (great error factor) by ADEXAILE own new technical measuring method.
This model is equipped the function to be able to stably measure by the average process of value measured some times per one item.
As the Contact-check function to check always the contacting situation of measuring terminal is equipped, it is available to judge the contacting defection of each measuring probe.
The unit can be equipped either one GP-IB or RS-232C interface, can be remote controlled the setup data, the measurement value, and judgement result.
●GP-IB Interface ●RS-232C Interface
*Either on interface can built-in option above.